No Such Thing as Distance

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No Such Thing as Distance


Family, melding of cultures, recipes, meditations.

"Like a circus aerialist who makes us gasp one moment and laugh the next, the poet takes us from her immigrant father’s Macedonian roots to her own maturity, to the life of a woman who is smart and well-read yet knows her way around a Coney Island hot dog..." -- Poet David Kirby

"Her title may signal quantum physics, but it’s also how close this poet whispers in her reader’s ear." -- Poet Denise Duhamel

"Karen Paul Holmes lifts up the extraordinary found in the everyday. Here are poems that brim with finely-crafted detail, anchored to place while at the same time embracing change and impermanence." -- Poet Nancy Chen Long

From Terrapin Books.

Also available (paperback or Kindle) on or Order a signed book here.  


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